Nine people in Orleans County arrested for welfare fraud

ORLEANS COUNTY, N.Y. – The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office arrested nine people who were involved in welfare fraud.

The investigation revealed that the suspects submitted false information to receive public assistance benefits that they were not entitled to.

The arrests follow a lengthy investigation into the theft of public funds.

The following people were taken into custody:

Victoria Taylor was arrested for welfare fraud of $2,640 in fraudulent claims.

Brittanie Makowiecki was arrested for welfare fraud and offering a false instrument for filing, totaling $6,373 in stolen benefits.

Jean Johnson was arrested for welfare fraud, grand larceny, and offering a false instrument for filing, totaling $5,572 in fraudulent payments.

Raylene McGuire was arrested for welfare fraud and offering a false statement for filing, totaling $1,202 in fraudulent claims.

Nicole Brady was arrested for welfare fraud, totaling $2,556 in fraudulent claims.

Kelly Taylor was arrested for welfare fraud, totaling $787.37 in fraudulent claims.

Robert Mcelwain was arrested for welfare fraud and offering a false instrument for filing, totaling $1,164 in fraudulent claims.

Christopher Tetrault was arrested for welfare fraud and grand larceny, totaling $1,162 in fraudulent claims.

William Scott Jr. was arrested for welfare fraud and grand larceny, totaling $2,318 in fraudulent claims.

The suspects were processed and issued appearance tickets.