PAB calling for public input on new ‘Right to Know Proposal’

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Police Accountability Board is calling for input from the public on its new proposal for legislation, the “Right to Know Proposal.”
The proposal aims to set guidelines for members of the Rochester Police Department on disclosing officer identity and the purpose of law enforcement activity. The new proposal also provides guidelines on obtaining consent and conduct for search and seizures and the collection of law enforcement activity data.
The PAB says this proposal helps them make police transparency a priority. They are looking for public comments on the proposal draft from starting July 18 until August 17.
To read the full “Right to Know Proposal” click here.
People can submit comments by phone by calling (585)428-7866, online, or by email at
Once the public comment period has closed, the PAB says they will analyze and incorporate the feedback into a revised draft. The final approved version of the proposal will be available on