Park Avenue is latest area to get hit with car break-ins

Credit: MGN
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Park Avenue neighborhood is at least the third area to get hit with multiple car break-ins in less than 24 hours this holiday season.
Rochester Police say they found 11 cars with broken windows on Christmas morning on Park Avenue near Barrington Street. Officers responded after getting a report of break-ins around 5 a.m.
The suspect was gone by the time officers arrived. RPD is still working to determine if any items were stolen from the cars. RPD is asking anyone with information or video that can help with their investigation to call 911.
Earlier on Christmas morning, around 1 a.m., there were also multiple car break-ins in the parking lot of St. Marianne Cope Roman Catholic Church. People came out of Midnight Mass to find their windows broken at the church on East Henrietta Road in Henrietta. Deputies say items were stolen from the cars.
On Christmas Eve, more than a dozen cars were broken into during a mass near St. Joseph’s Church in Penfield. One car was stolen. Parishioners had parked their cars at the Cobbles Elementary School down the road.