People can fish without a license this weekend and rent gear from libraries

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — People can fish without a license in New York State on Saturday and Sunday, part of the Free Fishing Days Program.

The state started the program in 1991 to introduce people to a new hobby and encourage people to spend time around the state’s waterways. The DEC has partnered with libraries across the state including Monroe County to provide a fishing rod lending program. You can learn more here. Here are the local libraries that are participating:

  • Chili Public Library at 3333 Chili Avenue
  • Hamlin Public Library at 1680 Lake Road
  • Sully Branch at 530 Webster Avenue

You can buy a license to fish here. The last free fishing days of the year are Sept. 28 for National Hunting and Fishing Day and Nov. 11. for Veterans Day.