Plan Your Vote: Everything you need to know about voting in New York

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The general election is on Tuesday, November 8. Here are some important deadlines to keep in mind.

For the general election, you don’t have to register with a political party but you must register to vote. Some key races in New York State include:

  • Governor
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Attorney General
  • Comptroller
  • U.S. Senator
  • U.S. House of Representatives

Registering to vote in New York

The next big deadline: Friday, Oct. 14 is the deadline to register in person, by mail, and online, 24 days away.

Can I register to vote when I cast my ballot on Election Day? No.

Is online voter registration available? Yes.

Can I change my party affiliation? Yes. Online, by mail, or in person by Friday, Oct. 14.


To register in person: Friday, Oct. 14

To register by mail: Must be postmarked by Friday, Oct. 14 and received by Wednesday, Oct. 19

To register online: Friday, Oct. 14

Take action

Register by mail

Register online

Change party registration

Voting by mail in New York

The next big deadline: Monday, Oct. 24 is the deadline to request a mail-in ballot.

Can I vote by mail in my state for any reason? No. But voters can use Covid-19 as a reason.

Can I vote by mail without a notary or witness? Yes.

Is there an ID requirement? If so, what is an acceptable form of ID? No. No document is required to vote, unless you are a first-time voter and ID was not provided upon registration.

Can I drop off my mail-in ballot in person? Yes. At a local election office or polling site.


Deadline to request mail-in ballot: If requested by mail, must be received by Monday, Oct. 24. If requested in person, the deadline is Monday, Nov. 7.

Deadline for mail ballot return: Must be received by Tuesday, Nov. 8 if dropping off in person; must be postmarked by Tuesday, Nov. 8 and received by Tuesday, Nov. 15 if returning by mail

Take action

Request a mail-in ballot

Track mail-in ballot

Additional information

Early voting in New York

The next big deadline: Saturday, Oct. 29 is the first day you can vote early in person.

Can I vote early (before Election Day) in person? Yes. Early voting and in-person absentee voting are available.

When is the first day I can vote early in person? Saturday, Oct. 29.

When is the last day I can vote early in person? Sunday, Nov. 6.

Is there an ID requirement? If so, what is an acceptable form of ID? No. No document is required to vote, unless you are a first-time voter and ID was not provided upon registration.

Take action

Election day voting in New York

Can I register and cast my ballot on the same day? No.

Is there an ID requirement? If so, what is an acceptable form of ID? No. No document is required to vote, unless you are a first-time voter and ID was not provided upon registration.

Changes to rules since 2020 in New York

  • In 2022, absentee ballot applications must be mailed to the Board of Elections by the fifteenth day before the election. In 2020, applications were required to be mailed by the seventh day before the election.
  • In 2022, a voter who was sent a mail ballot but who wishes to vote at an early voting site or Election Day polling place must cast an affidavit ballot. In 2020, all voters who received a mail ballot could still cast a regular ballot.