Pontillo’s Pizza hoping to reopen next week
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The owner of the Pontillo’s Pizza in Pittsford hopes to reopen next week after a temporary shutdown – that’s has the whole town talking. We went inside the State Street pizza shop on Friday and spoke to the owner on camera.
News10NBC spoke to Christine Woodring, owner of Pontillo’s Pizza, on camera about the shutdown of her restaurant.
RELATED: Pontillo’s Pizzeria: the temporary closure situation is ‘devastating’
It’s had residents in Pittsford talking and confused. The owner took us through the State Street location in the village and was candid about what happened and how they want to move forward.
News10NBC spoke to Christine Woodring, owner of Pontillo's Pizza, on camera about the shutdown of her restaurant.
“All of this has been extremely overwhelming for myself, my family and all of my employees,” Woodring said.
Code violations inside Pontillo’s Pizza on State Street are being rectified after the popular shop was temporarily closed.
Owner Christine Woodring took us through the shop and showed us what’s being worked on. We’ve been following this story and the whirlwind of questions surrounding it. At one point village officials and police had different versions of what went down. Woodring says she felt confused too.
“People in the village had all read the sign,” Woodring said. “They were taking pictures of the sign. They didn’t know what was going on. Everyone was confused, including myself.”
Woodring explained to us what happened. She says a former employee had a drug relapse in the parking lot after hours. When emergency crews were on scene and went inside the shop they found a pizza box full of hypodermic needles.
We filed a Freedom of Information Law request to see what the Fire Marshall found. The documents say blood was found on the sink, mirror and walls in the bathroom as well as blood on a prep table.
“He is in treatment and seeking extra help,” Woodring told us.
That then led to the discovery of code violations, which were the fire suppression system, hood cleaning and ceiling repair. She says those are all being fixed right now and wants to move forward and hopes the community can too.
“Hopefully people will be heartwarming and consider everyone’s feelings here at Pontillo’s.”
People we spoke to walking around the village told us they will be.
“It’s convenient because it’s right here in the village so we’ll be back,” Michele Weiler told us.
Woodring added that her employees are eager to get back to work. They should reopen next week. An inspection is slated for Monday.