Rochester edition of MONOPOLY unveiled at Strong Museum

Rochester MONOPOLY board unveiled (Photo: WHEC)
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A Rochester edition of the iconic board game MONOPOLY has been unveiled. The ceremony took place at the Strong National Museum of Play on Tuesday morning.
Instead of featuring the classic Atlantic City squares, the board features Rochester’s cultural sites, historic landmarks, charitable organizations, and businesses. It’s under the license of Hasbro and comes 90 years after MONOPOLY first hit the shelves.
Some local places that made it on the board include High Falls, Genesee River, the Xerox building, Kodak, Wegman’s, RIT and a reference to jazz music.
John Marano, a representative from Hasbro who unveiled the game Tuesday, said their goal when they make these editions is to find cities and towns that have a lot of local pride.
“Everybody that I talked to here talked about how they loved being from here,” said Marano. “So this is truly an addition that’s made by Rochester for Rochester.”
Mayor Malik Evans and Christopher Bensch of the Strong Museum also had a few words to say about the unveiling, showing their gratitude for Hasbro choosing Rochester to create a board game out of the city and their excitement.
“I’m just thinking about how much fun it will be to be able to play a game that celebrates our great history and landmarks in Rochester” said Evans.
The game will be available in stores and online, including Amazon. You can watch the full announcement here:
Did your favorite Rochester landmarks make the board? The News10NBC crew weighed in a couple of months ago:
Here are more photos from the unveiling: