Rochester neighbors react to curfew at MLK Park following mass shooting: ‘I just want peace’

Rochester neighbors react to curfew at MLK Park following mass shooting

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — No one is allowed in Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park after 8 p.m. following a mass shooting that left six people wounded.

“This is the area here where everybody basically comes out and party,” said Mustafa Vick with the tenant association at 10 Manhattan Square, right across the street from the park.

That party turned into a pool of blood after the mass shooting in MLK Park overnight Sunday. Ella Lockett says she woke up to the chaos.

“I heard gunshots,” Lockett said. “I was hearing sirens going all around.”

One neighbor who did not want to be identified said, “I’m tired of it.”

Neighbors say the criminal mischief has become a nuisance and things have gotten worse. Vick walked with News10NBC’s Marsha Augustin to the area which he says is a late-night hang-out spot for many.

“When kids get here they congregate a lot of them don’t come out for trouble just to meet each other and have fun. It’s unfortunate that it had to turn into a tragedy,” Vick said.

Mayor Malik Evans announced on Sunday that he is looking to turn things around and has set an 8 p.m. curfew for people to be out of the park. Vick wants more safety measures put in place for neighbors. He doesn’t believe the curfew will help much.

“Police officers they come by and they tell everybody they got to get out of the area but as soon as the police leave they come back,” Vick said.

“I’m very sick and tired of it. I like peace where I lay my head,” Lockett said.

A neighbor who didn’t want to be identified says the problem is those doing the criminal mischief are coming to their backyard. She agrees things have gotten worse. She hears fights all hours of the night and is happy to hear a curfew has been put in place.

“In my window, I can hear them outside all times of night. So it really needs to stop,” the unidentified neighbor said. “It just makes us afraid for all this that’s going on down here.”

“I just want peace in Rochester NY,” Lockett said.

An employee at a business across from the park said they now close four hours earlier, both during the week and on weekends.

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