Rochester preps for first significant snowfall of the season with full salt shed

How the City of Rochester prepped for Thursday’s snowfall

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — After a brief respite from the morning squalls, the weather is set to intensify once again. News10NBC spoke with the City of Rochester about how they prepared for the first real snow of the season.

The city’s salt shed is fully stocked and replenished weekly, ensuring no shortages.

Main roads receive constant plowing, but most residential streets remain unplowed until at least three inches of snow accumulate.

The city encourages residents to shovel the sidewalks in front of their homes. The city only clears sidewalks after all plowing is complete and if the snow exceeds four inches.

Karen St. Aubin, Director of Operations for the City of Rochester, explained, “The city of Rochester is not a one size fits all for equipment, so we go through our equipment and make sure that we have everything that we need to accommodate every street that we have. We have one-way streets, we have dead ends, we have large main arteries.”

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