Public Market’s final Food Truck Rodeo of the season is Wednesday night

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Rochester Public Market’s final Food Truck Rodeo of the season is on Wednesday night

You can enjoy food from a variety of trucks, drinks, and live music from 5 – 9 p.m. The MoChester, a pop rock band from Rochester, will perform.

Here is the rest of the schedule for this summer’s Food Truck Rodeo:

  • April 27: The Brothers Blue (Bluegrass, Folk from Buffalo, NY);
  • May 25: iGNiTE Reggae Band (authentic Reggae from Rochester, NY);
  • June 29: The Earthtones (Classic Rock covers from Rochester, NY);
  • July 27: Miller and Other Sinners (Soul, Blues, Gospel from Buffalo, NY);
  • Aug. 31: The Uptown Groove (Jazz, Motown, Funk, R&B from Rochester, NY);
  • Sept. 28: MoChester (Pop, Rock from Rochester, NY).

Check here for more information.