Rope rescue at Cobbs Hill Park for sledder injured

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – The Rochester Fire Department said a man about 50 years old was involved in a sledding accident on Sunday afternoon.
A rope rescue was requested and the victim was put in a basket and taken up a 150-foot cliff that was sheer ice.
“It was very slippery and difficult to bring him up the hill without the use of the rope and rescue equipment,’ said Battalion Chief Kevin Kolb.
The man was stabilized so there were no more injuries to his back and taken to the hospital by ambulance. His condition is unknown at this time.
Gavin Surdyk sleds at Cobbs Hill Park with his family. He says he stays safe by not being close to the edge.
“Looking for a clear path. Try to miss the bumps. Not go over too many hills. Hold on tight. You got the ropes [on the sled] for a reason, use them.”