Senate resolution demanding Ryan Corbett’s release encourages Dansville native’s family

Photo of Ryan Corbett and his wife, Anna. (Photo provided).
In a rare moment of unity, leaders of both parties came together Thursday in the U.S. Senate to pass a resolution demanding the release of Ryan Corbett of Dansville. He continues to be held captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
News 10NBC spoke with Corbett’s wife Anna on Thursday and shares what this day means for her family.
It has been 609 days since Dansville native Ryan Corbett was taken into captivity, and on Thursday support for his immediate release gained new traction on Capitol Hill.
Anna Corbett says she and her kids — three children, ages 14, 16 and 18 — will do whatever it takes to bring Ryan home and will never give up hope.
“It’s very difficult for him. He has so little contact with us,” she said. “He said he wants a picture of our family. He doesn’t have a picture of his kids.”
A few weeks ago, Anna says, she finally received a call from Ryan and could tell something was wrong.
“Just over twoi weeks ago, we had a 12-minute conversation and it was a tough call. The children were with me, and we heard Ryan losing hope. And that was a very different tone than what we have heard before; he’s a very strong person.” she said.
Anna says she is grateful that the bipartisan Senate resolution introduced on Monday passed, with equal support from both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
“Today I’m introducing a resolution alongside Leader McConnell calling for Ryan’s immediate and unconditional release,” Schumer said on the Senate floor. “I urge the Senate to pass this resolution before Ryan’s birthday, which is April the 13th.”
And while resolutions don’t have the same legal force as a bill passed by both houses of Congress, they do symbolize support and a united front and determination — words that embody the strength the Corbetts are dedicated to maintaining together, no matter how long it takes to bring him home.
“There’s not unity on a lot of things on the Hill, but this is something that the Senate is agreeing on that is absolutely urgent, to bring Ryan home as soon as possible,” Anna said.
She added: “The last thing we said to him was that we love him, we miss him, and we’re going to continue to do everything we can to bring him home,” she said.
On Monday, Anna and her family met with Minority Leader McConnell on Capitol Hill. This was her 10th trip to Washington to advocate for the release of her husband, and she says she will visit as many times as it takes to raise awareness and do everything possible to bring Ryan home. She has another meeting with Capitol officials in the coming days.