‘Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay safe’: Advice from local doctor as heat wave persists

Doctor gives safety tips during Rochester’s heat wave

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — As the heat wave continues, it’s important to take precautions to stay safe in the extreme temperatures.

On a hot day like Wednesday, everyone’s number one priority is just trying to stay cool.

Dr. Daniel Shand, Medical Director for the Adult Emergency Department, has seen what happens if you don’t take the proper precautions.

“For moderate illness, it can be things like headache, dizziness, or lightheadedness,” Dr. Shand said. “And then for the more severe very high body temperatures and changes in mental status, even to the point of unresponsiveness.”

He says the best way to avoid heat-related illness is to stay out of the heat.

“Whether that’s shade or more ideally a place that is climate controlled, air conditioning.”

Cooling centers in Rochester have become increasingly popular on hot days like Wednesday. Chasity Smith and her son often visit to cool down.

“I go in there and get wet a little bit, wet my body, or I go in the center and cool off a little bit,” Smith said. “They also have A/C in there and he can play at the gym and have lunch here.”

Besides staying cool, Dr. Shand says it’s also important to stay hydrated.

“Our bodies cool by sweating and by the sweat evaporating off our skin and if we’re not hydrated then we’re not able to support that cooling process.”

That’s advice Mikhail Misula hears often.

“They’re always talking about that on these hot days. Just like always drink, we even have like five bottles in the stroller full of ice water. Yeah just stay hydrated,” Mikhail said.

Dr. Shand also recommends looking out for others who may be struggling in the heat.

“If you see someone who doesn’t seem like they’re like themselves or the heat may be affecting them, encourage them to stop what you’re doing and cool off.”

So whether you’re at a splash pad with the kids or in the comfort of your A/C at home, on hot days like Wednesday, stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay safe.

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