Three large dogs maul small dog to death at Durand Park
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – An 8-year-old Cocker Spaniel died after being attacked by three large dogs at Durand Eastman Park on Saturday morning and when Police officers arrived to take a report, one of the dogs charged at them. The officer ended up firing his gun at the dog but missed.
Jasper, was playing with his owner on the beach when the attack took place, “Jasper was an amazing dog, he walked right by my mom all the time, he loved the beach, if she threw the ball he would bring it right back to her,” says Luke LaPorta. That’s where Jasper was on Saturday when the three large dogs passed by on the trail that runs above the beach, “one of the dogs turned around, saw my mom and the dog and darted towards them,” LaPorta explains, “he came running toward them, the other two got lose and it was a disaster from that point on…I’m sure he (Jasper) backed up and the dogs reacted to him and tore him apart.”
While Jasper was not on a leash at the time, he was right next to his owner who was helpless to save him, “even if Jasper was on a leash, it could have been even worse… those dogs could have jumped on my mom and attacked her as well,” LaPorta says.
Eventually, the owner of the three big dogs was able to tie them to a tree while Rochester Police took a report on the incident but then as he was working to get them back into his car, one of them broke free again and charged at a police officer. The officer fired his gun but missed. The sound was enough to get the dog under control and into the car.
“I love pit-bulls, they’re one of the most loving dogs you’ll ever own, they will love you more than any dog but they have to be watched very carefully, especially if you’re going to rescue you them,” LaPorta says.

Rochester Police say the owner of the three large dogs was walking his dogs attached to a makeshift rope leash without collars. City Animal Control responded to the scene as well to interview everyone involved. Tickets were issued on Saturday for unrestrained dangerous dogs to the large dog owner and more citations could be pending.
The owner of the three dogs was allowed to take all of them home, “I don’t understand why animal control didn’t take these dogs away from him, I was a bit curious on that,” LaPorta says.
News10NBC reached out to a spokeswoman for the City of Rochester who says the process for these types of serious cases follows NYS Agriculture and Markets laws and the dogs are currently being held for 10 days in quarantine to be monitored for rabies. The dogs in this case are being quarantined at the owner’s home in Webster.
The second step is to apply for a permanent seizure order and dangerous dog proceeding per City Code, a court order is required and either the victim or the City can initiate these proceedings. With Monday being a holiday, that has not yet happened.
The penalties/restrictions range from euthanasia of the animal to the owner obtaining insurance, installing fences, not allowing the dogs outside of yard, or requiring the use of a muzzle.