Thruway Authority votes for toll increases

It’s going to get more expensive to take a trip on the New York State Thruway.
The Thruway Authority voted today on new toll price hikes.
Starting in January, E-Z Pass users will pay 5% more, then will see another 5% increase by 2027.
Also in 2027, tolls by mail will go up nearly 50%,
This is the first system-wide E-Z Pass toll increase in 14 years. Thruway officials say the hikes are needed to improve infrastructure.
The Thruway Authority says there is $470 million in projects that are currently not supported by the existing capital program.
Eighty-five percent of the Thruway’s roadways date back to when it was originally constructed in the 1950s. The Thruway has 815 bridges with an average age of 55 years. More than 85 of those bridges have been identified for replacement within the next 10 years.