Community members gather for late Rev. Florence’s funeral
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Civil rights pioneer reverend Franklin Florence was laid to rest on Saturday, as the Rochester community gathered to celebrate his life and his lasting legacy.
More than 100 mourners gathered this morning at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center to say their final goodbyes to Reverend Florence. For three hours family, friends and fellow members of the clergy sang and shared stories of what they remember most about Florence.
Their memories included how Florence not only served as a pastor here in Rochester, but how he led change in the city and corporate America. Florence took on such companies like Xerox, Bausch and Lomb and Kodak, to confront longtime company discrimination against African Americans.
Today’s service spoke of carrying on the reverend’s visionary leadership.
“We are reminded today that this is our season. Coach, Minister Florence would remind us today that we must stay in it to win it. This is not the time for inactivity, our season is not over yet. If you are alive today, it means that you were born into the world to be a part of the dream team that has made it to the Super Bowl of life. Now that we are here, everyone has to play their assigned positions prayfully and carefully, ” said Dr. Jerry Taylor, family friend.
Civil rights pioneer reverend Franklin Florence was laid to rest on Saturday, as the Rochester community gathered to celebrate his life and his lasting legacy.
Reverend Franklin Florence died on February 1, he was 89 years old.
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