‘We all did help each other out’: Farmington residents come together to fix storm damage

Farmington residents clean up storm damage

Farmington residents clean up storm damage

FARMINGTON, N.Y. — Following Monday’s heavy storms, many communities and homeowners across our area are looking at major damage to their properties.

“I’ve been living here for 17 years, and this is the first time I’ve ever been through a storm like this,” said Donna Wicks, a resident of Woodlawn Mobile Home Park in Farmington.

From heavy rains to high winds and even hail the size of golf balls in some areas, locals are trying to find out how they can move forward and fix their now-scarred homes.

Wicks’ house was hit hard during Monday’s storm. “The shutters, there’s holes in the siding. There’s wood damage there. And basically that looks like the gutters are a little torn up. No window damage other than the shutters,” she said.

Now, locals like Wicks and her neighbor Thomas Wyatt are working together — not just to fix their own homes, but their community’s homes as well.

“About six of us that all stick together here and try to help each other out. And what’s happened last night was kind of devastating for us. And today we got up and we all did help each other out just to keep everybody comfortable and happy,” Wyatt said.

Residents like Wyatt are looking ahead and working to get the proper amount of money for their homes.

“It’s a lot of damage. Insurance companies are going to give us a lot of grief, but we have to stick up for our rights. I mean, we all have insurance and we’re going to do what we have to do. I know that I’ve already got one person coming in going to give me an estimate. I made two other calls and they want to come Monday,” Wyatt said.

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