Weather In-Depth: Too dry or too wet

You know the old saying, “it is either feast or famine.” It has been an unusual season in terms of precipitation. And you could even make the case that it has been a weird five months for rainfall in Rochester. Here is why.

A comparison of our monthly precipitation compared to the last 30 years shows we went from one extreme to another. The month of May measured about half the usual rainfall, and June was only three quarters of normal. Then July and August went back to the other extreme. July measured 191 percent of possible precipitation, and August saw a whopping 164 percent of possible rainfall. This month, rainfall has just about shut down with only five days of measurable rain out of the possible 25 days.

This lack of rain for this month is now placing Western New York into a drought scenario. The U.S. drought monitor is now placing much of Western New York in the abnormally dry category, and Wyoming County is now listed in a moderate drought.

So what is ahead for Rochester? If the next six- to ten-day outlook is any indication, we will see little to no rain for our area.

I guess it is great news if you are going to the Hilton Apple Festival this weekend.