Weather In-Depth: West Coast Heat for Bills Football

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Have you been wondering where all of our summer heat has gone? It has been going out to the far western portion of the United States. Places like California, Nevada and Utah have had sizzling temperatures over the last couple of days and is likely going to continue.
Here are two examples. First, Redding California will measure a temperature around 110 degrees for Thursday. Los Angeles is also going to be in the triple digit range with readings near 100 degrees. This could present a problem for the Bills game located at SoFi Stadium. SoFi was built in in 2020 and it has no air-conditioning and it seats over 70,000 people. But the important part of this is where they built the stadium. It is roughly four miles off the West Coast and relatively close to the Pacific Ocean. This proximity to the cooler Pacific Ocean is what they are hoping is going to make a difference in temperature.
It is really an interesting design. SoFi was built like a big ventilating system and they expect that some of that cooler air will be coming off of the Pacific. The ocean breeze should make a difference in the comfort for folks going to the game. So, in theory the temperature is going to be coming down considerably. However, the temperature is still expected to be rather hot and kick-off at 8:20 PM (eastern standard time) the forecast is still expected to be near 90 degrees. Hot stuff for football!
If the weather is not too hot, there is no doubt that Josh Allen is going to be heating things up as well.