Department of Public Health seeks Reddit user ‘time2fight-Dork66678’ after rabid beaver encounter

PERINTON, N.Y. — The Monroe County Department of Public Health is looking for a person who posted their encounter with a rabid beaver on Reddit last month.

Officials say the video was posted on August 29 near Spring Lake Park in Perinton. The person’s username on Reddit is “time2fight-Dork66678” and the Department of Public Health wants to confirm they are protected from the rabies virus.

The post reads in part:

” I turn around and he’s chasing me so I run to my shoes. I turn around with shoe in hand and he’s still coming so I smacked him in the face with it. He stopped charging and stood there holding his face for a second, then he started attacking me again. I hit him again on the side of the head and he fell down holding his head. He kinda just wiggled around in pain, got up, ran back to the water and swam away.”

If you know this person or where they may be, contact the Department of Public Health at (585) 753-5171.