Recently-retired firefighter takes his own life outside Henrietta fire station

HENRIETTA, N.Y. — A recently-retired firefighter took his own life after visiting his former colleagues. Fire officials say it happened on Tuesday in the fire station’s parking lot.

Chief Mark Cholach with the Henrietta Fire District says in a statement in part:

“This action and the events that have followed have reinforced the fact that we, as a fire department, are and always will be a family. The relationships and bonds that begin to form the minute you begin your career are strong and everlasting. And it has also reinforced the fact that those bonds extend beyond each department and public safety discipline. The entire fire service, here in Monroe County has provided tremendous support to us, from providing crews and fire apparatus to cover our district immediately after the incident, to rotating other crews throughout the 24 hours after to give our members time to process the event.”

Chief Cholach goes on to thank local agencies for their support this week.