Rochester mayor, county executive pay own way for 5-day trip to sister city Waterford, Ireland

WATERFORD, Ireland — Rochester Mayor Malik Evans and Monroe County Executive Adam Bello recently returned from a five-day trip to Waterford, Ireland, one of Rochester’s sister cities.

The question on many people’s minds: Who paid for the trip? According to City Hall and the County Office Building, Evans and Bello paid their own way.

Photographs from the trip show Evans and Bello meeting with executives from Bausch and Lomb, as well as Evans meeting with the Mayor of Waterford.

When asked what value Evans brought back to Rochester from the trip, his office provided the following statement:

“We have much in common with Waterford and the ways and which they are addressing their waterfront. We also believe that upstate New York is a great location for some Irish companies, and it was good detailing all of the benefits of companies locating in the Rochester region.”

The Mayor’s office also noted that the University of Waterford has connections with St. John Fisher and Nazareth Universities in Rochester.

Waterford and Rochester have been sister cities since 1983.

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