First Alert Weather: A cool, rainy end to the weekend and start to the work week ahead

Sunday’s weather brings quite the contrast from the sunny 60 degree weather we saw Saturday. The current upper-level flow pattern is allowing for very cool air from Canada to drop down into Western New York through the first half of this coming work week. Expect scattered rain showers through today with some dry time in the early evening.

Conditions will stay persistently overcast as a stationary front lingers to our south. Thick cloud cover will keep our high temperatures just touching 50 degrees. Overnight lows are expected to stay in the low 40s as persistent moisture and rain will keep that daytime/nighttime temperature difference to a minimum. 

Very cool rain showers and blustery conditions will start out your workweek on Monday. Temperatures will remain in the lower to mid 40s for the day, but higher elevations will remain in the upper 30s. Winds may gust up to 30 mph in the morning hours, making that air feel slightly colder. Cooler air in higher elevations may support some ice pellets or wet flakes in regions of higher elevations such as the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes. Even though there is cold air aloft, above freezing temperatures near the surface should melt most frozen-type precipitation.

Tuesday, a secondary area of low pressure is expected to follow the upper-level pattern, bringing continued cool, rainy weather. Following behind this pattern is a large area of high pressure that builds in from the south. This will bring a change to unseasonably warm weather to end out this coming week.