Yellow Alert: One more day of high heat and humidity on Thursday

A Yellow Alert continues on Thursday for heat and high humidity, though an end is in sight! Air temperatures will likely reach the upper 80s and lower 90s away from Lake Ontario on Thursday, with dew points once again into the 70s, resulting in a heat index in the upper 90s and lower 100s. While most people will be just fine if they take it easy, this kind of weather can be tough, if not dangerous, for the elderly and very young, and those with health issues. So make sure you take it slow, stay out of the heat if possible, and take breaks if you must be outside. In addition to the high temperatures, we’ll see the threat for some more scattered showers and thunderstorms, especially in the afternoon, and especially in the Finger Lakes, along lake breeze boundaries.
While we’ll get a break from the most impressive heat, Friday and the weekend will still be very warm and muggy, and unsettled with scattered showers and some thunderstorms each day. Friday may see some clearing later in the afternoon and evening as a cold front sags south, but will lift north again on Saturday, triggering another round of storms.