Falcon couple on Times Square Building finally named

ROCHESTER N.Y. (WHEC) — The falcon couple that’s parenting four eggs on the Times Square Building received names on Monday.

Rochester Falcon Cam decided to name the female Nova and the male Neander after receiving 533 votes. The organization decided to take the names that Rochester falcon enthusiast Linda King submitted.

King said she chose "Nova" because it was Latin for new. The word is the origin of "supernova", a star that suddenly increases in brightness because of an explosion. King said the name seems fitting because the falcon Nova "burst onto the scene" once the male falcon’s longtime partner, Beauty, died at age 15.

"Neader" is Ancient Greek or new man. She said the name was fitting for the male because he seems to be "an excellent provider and fast learner."

The camera shows Nova guarding her four red-colored eggs on the nesting box on the Times Square Building’s roof. The latest egg was spotted Monday morning of last week and Nova laid her first egg of the season on April 19.

Peregrine Falcons are on New York State’s list of endangered species. This population started declining after the 1940s because of exposure to the pesticide DDT, which caused eggshells to thin and crack. The Department of Environmental Conservation has run a longtime program to preserve falcon nesting sites and led other initiatives to restore their population.