Good Question: Any update on the mobile DMV units?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — News10NBC’s Brennan Somers has heard from several of you asking: Why aren’t the mobile DMV units rolling back out in Monroe County?

We first looked into this back in the fall.

When COVID hit, the mobile units got pulled and went through basically an audit.

The results were not great.

Somers followed up with the County Clerk Jamie Romeo. She says they are still in a holding pattern. They have been testing what she calls extremely outdated equipment they get from the state.

ROMEO: One of the things that I think industries across the government sector and private industries realized is not everything should go back to normal the way it used to pre-COVID. The mobile DMV? These are absolutely one of those things. We need to make sure that we’re providing government services in a secured, safe setting for both the staff of our county workers, but also for the public. That continues to be a pretty extensive review that we’re going on going through.

While there’s still no time frame for getting mobile units back out, the state DMV told Somers it "successfully" supports several counties with mobile outreach programs and it will help Monroe County as needed once these units can restart.