Good Question: Will there still be snow days?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Our Good Question today: will there still be snow days?

Winter is a ways away, but with so many changes because of the pandemic, News10NBC’s Brennan Somers has heard from multiple people asking about school days getting called off for weather in the coming months.

Every district knows there will be some balance between online and in-person classes this year. If the technology and set up are there, are snow days even needed?

Not for everyone. Somers sampled local districts.

A spokesperson for the Rochester City School District said with all the online learning changes heading into the fall, they “can still reach our students through those platforms and there will not be a need to declare a snow day. Especially in light of the fact that we are all in agreement that every educational minute counts these days. “

RCSD doesn’t have the official calendar yet, but the spokesperson also told Somers, "It does not look like that calendar will have any snow days built into it.”

Somers also heard from the Elba Superintendent Ned Dale in Genesee County.

Dale says at this point they are setting aside one snow day but may not use it. They may treat it as a "virtual day."