Good Question: Will they still sell gas, keep restrooms open during Thruway rest stop work?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC)—Starting Wednesday, 10 New York State Thruway rest stops are shutting down for construction.
This includes the stops in Clifton Springs, Pembroke, and Junius Ponds.
It’s the first phase of the massive overhaul of every service plaza. There are 27 statewide along I-90. 23 are getting rebuilt and four others have upgrades coming.
So what happens when they temporarily close?
Multiple viewers are asking News10NBC’s Brennan Somers: With the service stations closing on the Thruway except for gas, does that mean they won’t have restroom facilities as well?

Best advice? Be careful planning out your trip!
The Thruway says "Only fuel services will remain available at all service areas during construction. Restrooms and other amenities will not."
Here is something that will help– crews are not closing two service areas going in the same direction at the same time.
Still, it could be a long way between stops if you don’t want to get off the Thruway with plazas half an hour apart or more, because
now you’re doubling that time.
This construction comes as a group called "Empire State Thruway Partners" takes over the rest stops to run them. It’s a new 33-year contract for the new management worth $450 million.
This work is something drivers will have to deal with for a while.
The first jobs start this week, the second phase doesn’t begin until 2023.
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