AR15-style rifle stolen out of Greece Police officer’s personal car found in Buffalo

GREECE, N.Y. — An AR15-style rifle stolen out of a Greece Police officer’s car in July has been found.
The rifle was stolen on July 9 from an officer’s personal car parked at ESPORTA. Police say the rifle was stolen despite the officer following protocols to store it safely.
Police say the suspect broke the window of the car and stole the rifle along with a body armor vest and a rifle bag.
In July, News10NBC spoke with gym members at ESPORTA.
“I don’t get the whole concept of breaking into cars and stealing things, let alone a gun,” said Bailey Sykes, who has been coming to the gym for two years and has never felt unsafe parking his car. “For the most part, I’ve had no real safety concerns. I keep tools in the back of my car. It’s expensive stuff. I’ve personally had no issues.”
Greece Police say their investigation involved multiple law enforcement agencies across the region. The rifle was found in Buffalo, but the investigation is ongoing. Officials explain detective are working to close the case, and anticipate making arrests.