Don’t forget about your pets amidst the hazy smoke
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — It’s not just people impacted by the hazy smoke, but also your pets!
News10NBC’s Bekka Fifield visited Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester Wednesday to see what farm and pet owners can do to keep their animals healthy.
“So far our animals are doing alright. There seems to be a few that are a little. We’re watching them closely,” Farm Director Joanna Dychton said.
Dychton has been keeping a close eye on all of the animals — especially the ones that are more often outside.
“So we did have one horse that was a little anxious this morning but we were able to bring our horses inside so they have plenty of water, they have fans on them,” Dychton said.
Moving all the animals inside would cause them lots stress — so only a few who needed to be moved were. But precautions were taken to keep the outside ones safe.
“Even the animals that are outside in pastures they have shelters to get into, there’s fans moving air and they have plenty of water that we’re changing frequently so that if any particulates end up in the water we’re swapping it out so they have fresh drinking water,” Dychton said.
Not everyone has a horse or sheep in their backyard. What should you do if you have a dog or cat?
“And limit walks to no more than 10 minutes. So you can be outside in it. Again the air is not toxic, it is just nauseous with the heaviness of it and it makes it harder to breathe even if you don’t have any lung issues,” Dychton said.
If you have pets that you’re concerned about, Lollypop Farm says to make sure they have enough water and to limit their outside exercise.