Funding for Bring Monroe Back unanimously approved by county legislature
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Monroe County Legislature finally signed off on nearly $100 million in federal funding.
The county legislature approved more than $98 million in grants for 40 different projects using money from the American Rescue Plan Act.
Democrats had blamed Legislature President Sabrina Lamar and the GOP majority for holding up this funding process for months. Lamar spoke at Tuesday’s meeting.
“I was elected by the voters in the 27th district and they are the people I answer to,” she said. “I will continue to question those things I think are incorrect, and I am always willing to work with the county executive to do whatever is best on behalf of the people of Monroe County.”
Here’s how that funding breaks down. The Community Resource Collaborative will get more than $7 million for community outreach. More than $1 million each is going to Foodlink and the Willow Domestic Violence Center.
Monroe County announced more initiatives as part of the Bring Monroe Back initiative.
Providence Housing Development Corporation’s Door of Hope will get $2 million for rental assistance. The Veterans Outreach Center will get nearly $2 million to expand the number of homeless vets it can house.