Gas prices continue to decline in Rochester

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Gas prices in Rochester continue to decline, dropping by five cents since last week and 20 cents over the past four weeks.
Rochester’s average price for gas landed on $3.33 per gallon on Monday. That’s still higher than the national average $3.07 per gallon but that gap is closing slightly. The national average has hardly changed over the past four weeks and dropped by only one cent in the past week.
The cheapest gas station in Rochester on Sunday was $2.87 per gallon while the most expensive was just over a dollar over higher, found a GasBuddy’s survey. You can find the cheapest local stations through a link to GasBuddy.
Rochester’s average for gas is eight cents higher than in Buffalo but three cents lower than in Syracuse. Elmira had the cheapest gas out of cities in upstate New York at $3.03 per gallon. You can explore gas price trends on the website for AAA.