Halloween parade at Wayne Central Primary School (Provided: Staci Giambrone) Michael is ready for Halloween (Photo: Colleen FarrellNews10NBC celebrates Halloween (Photo: Colleen Farrell) Millie the cowgirl. (Photo: Janice Batiste)Body By Summer zombies at Brockport’s Midnight Madness on Friday, Oct. 27. (Photo: Mary Ziarniak)Charlotte Van Eps. (Photo: Chris Van Eps)Caroline Van Eps. (Photo: Chris Van Eps)(Photo: Janice Batiste)Finger-lickin’ good! The Colonel and Chicken — aka Emma Jane Chalone and Gianna Gonzalez. (Photo: Rebecca Chalone)Pam Pecorella sent this photo of her son Colton, left, with a local firefighter. (Photo: Pam Pecorella)Kellen Johns, 8, as Pennywise. (Photo: Michelle Johnson)Johnny and daughter Jovi as Beauty and the Beast. (Photo: Diane Hurlburt)Erin Brooks as Mac and Cheese in Gates. (Photo: Melissa Shea-Brooks)People’s Choice Kitchen held a Halloween event for kids in the parking lot at Walgreens. Wegmans and the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity helped the owner, Van Stanley, put on the event. (Photo: People’s Choice Kitchen)