Livingston County absentee voting deadlines for General Election

GENESEO, N.Y.The County Board of Elections (BoE) has made public the following deadlines for residents of Livingston County intending to cast their vote by absentee ballot in the upcoming general election:

Tuesday October 23: Last day for BoE to receive application, letter, Fax, or other written instrument or absentee portal request for ballot. Address changes must be received by the Board of Elections by October 23.

November 6: Last day to apply in-person for absentee ballot.

November 7: Last day to postmark general election ballot. Ballot must be received by the county board no later than November 14. Also the last day to deliver general election ballot in person to county board or any poll site in the County by close of polls on election day.

More information on the upcoming elections here, or call (585) 243-7090.