Honeoye Falls will hold menorah lighting on Wednesday night for Hanukkah

Giant menorah at Washington Square Park
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Hanukkah began on Sunday, December 18 and runs through Monday, December 26. To celebrate, communities are lighting giant menorahs around the Rochester area.
News10NBC spoke with Rabbi Nechemia Vogel after the lighting of a menorah in Washington Square Park. He said the menorah brings the message of religious freedom for all, freedom from tyranny, and the victory of light over darkness. Here is a list of the menorah lighting celebrations:
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 5:30 p.m. – Honeoye Falls Menorah Lighting Ceremony at Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street with the participation of town officials plus music, latkes and donuts. For more information go to www.jewishpittsford.com/chanukah or call Rabbi Yitzi Hein at 340-7545.
Thursday, Dec. 22, 5:30 p.m. – Fairport Menorah Lighting Ceremony in Kennelly Park on South Main Street (near the Canal) with the participation of town officials plus children’s goody bags. For more information go to www.jewishpittsford.com/chanukah or call Rabbi Yitzi Hein-340-7545.
Thursday, Dec. 22, 7:30 p.m. – Neighborhood of the Arts Menorah Lighting Ceremony at the corner of East Avenue & Sibley Place. For more information go to www.yjparkave.com or call Rabbi Moshe Vogel at 350-6634.
Sunday, Dec. 25, 4:00 p.m. – Brighton L.E.D. Menorah Lighting Ceremony at Twelve Corners Park with the participation of town officials plus prizes, raffle, latkes, donuts and children’s goody bags.
List of giant menorahs
- Washington Square Park (Downtown at Clinton Avenue & Court Street)
- Twelve Corners in Brighton
- Kessler Family Chabad Center in Brighton
- Pittsford Village Four Corners (Route 31 & South Main)
- Wegmans in Pittsford Plaza
- Tops in Tops Brighton Plaza
- East Avenue & Sibley Place
- Corner of Clover Street & Stone Road in Pittsford
- Four Corners in Penfield (Route 441 & Five Mile Line Road)
- Kennelly Park in Fairport
- Mendon Town Hall in Honeoye Falls
- Frontier Commons, 1225 Jefferson Road in Henrietta
- Billboard ad on Route 590 North