Man arrested after accused of firing shots at a home in Gates in February

Photo of Jalen Hannah
GATES, N.Y. – Gates police arrested a man accused of shooting into a home on Albert Street on Feb. 17.
Police said 22-year-old Jalen Hannah fired multiple shots into the home on Feb. 17 and then fled the scene in a vehicle.
On Feb. 24, police said Greece Police Officers received a plate reader hit on Hannah’s vehicle and were able to locate him and detained him. They also said Greece Police found a handgun on Hannah when they detained him.
Hannah was arrested and charged by Greece Police with having a handgun without a permit. Officials said the gun matched casings found at the shooting scene.
Hannah turned himself in to Gates police Thursday and is being held in Monroe County Jail on a $50,000 cash bail and $250,000 bond.
Hannah was charged by Gates Police with possession of a weapon in the second-degree and reckless endangerment in the first-degree.
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