Meet the woman who walked every single road in Monroe County

Woman walks every road in Monroe County

Woman walks every road in Monroe County

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – It took her more than four years, but Daryl Dear Cubitt walked the last street in Monroe County one week ago.

New10NBC Chief Investigative Reporter Berkeley Brean met her at the finish line.

Brean: “Thirty-eight million feet. You traversed 38 million feet.”

Cubitt: “I believe that, yeah.”

Brean: “This was the finish line.”

Cubitt: “Yes, it was.”

Brean: “And what was it like to cross the finish line?”

Cubitt: “It was exciting, but I did get a little bit emotional because I spent over four years doing this.”

The last street on Cubitt’s route was Zygment Street off Hudson Avenue next to Franklin High School. She picked this city side street because it’s in the neighborhood where she grew up.

Cubitt walked and ran every road in Monroe County:

“And I’m enough of a geek that I wanted to finish on a ‘Z’ street, which made sense to me,” she said.

Cubitt has always been a runner. In 2019, using a tracking device, she found that she walked or ran every square inch of Brighton.

Then she was challenged by her sister.

“It was a family dinner and she said, ‘So, you going to do the whole county?’ I laughed! I said, ‘Oh, I should live that long.”

Daryl Dear Cubitt

But Cubitt started walking: in Irondequoit, Greece, along the lakeshore, in the city.

By 2022, she was more than halfway done.

Most people waved at her, offered her rides or food, or asked her if she was lost.

There were only a couple of scary moments, including getting chased by a guy on a lawn mower in Rush.

“And he cut me off and he jumped off his riding lawn mower and he went, with his arms out, ‘Do I know you?’ And that was frightening.”

But Cubit kept going.

She hand drew the maps of her walks and just about every day, including Christmas Day, she would check off another block.

And on Tuesday, July 9th, she walked Zygment Street, and was fiished.

Brean: “When our viewers see this story, is there something you want them to take away from it?”

Cubitt: “If there’s something crazy you want to do, start it! I mean, even if you think it’s going to take you forever and you’re not sure you’re going to finish it, start.”

Here’s what the final map looks like:

Every street, every road every bus loop in Monroe County — covered.