‘READY’ to host showcase which celebrates innovations in education

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Rochester Education and Development for Youth or “READY,” is hosting a “Design Studio 1 Cohort Showcase” Thursday, which highlights the work of members of the 2024 Design Studio Fellows.

The Design Studio Cohort is a nine month program that lets educators and education entrepreneurs design “innovative,” school models in Rochester.

Fellows from this cohort will be able to share their visions for their new school models with members of the community at the showcase Thursday.

In this year’s cohort, four education and nonprofit leaders were apart of it and got tailored coaching, participated in workshops and visited innovative schools in Denver, C.O. They were also able to test their new school models and receive feedback from students on their designs.

This showcase will take place Thursday from 4-6p.m. at The Duke at Sibley Square. Not only will this event highlight the fellows work, it will also be a way to recruit people for their 2025-2026 fellowship cohort.

For more information, click here.