RPD: Student brings loaded gun into Monroe High School

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Rochester Police say a student had a loaded gun in his backpack that he brought into Monroe High School.

School security officers spotted the gun on Thursday just before noon while they were doing a routine x-ray screening of the backpack. That’s when they called Rochester Police. According to RPD, the gun was loaded with seven rounds and the serial number had been defaced.

The student, 18-year-old Isaiah Calhoun, is charged with criminal possession of a firearm on school grounds. He was taken to the Monroe County Jail, arraigned in Rochester City Court on Friday morning, and released.

The Rochester City School District sent in this statement about the discovery of the gun:

“Yesterday, a Safety and Security staff member at Monroe discovered a gun in a student’s backpack during scanning. The weapon, which was not used to threaten anyone in the school, was immediately retrieved and turned over to the Rochester Police Department. Student safety is a top priority, and our code of conduct will be enforced to the fullest extent, as this is a very serious situation. The school notified families and staff, and we are reinforcing with our students that if they see or hear something, they should say something to a trusted adult.”

Gun recovered at Monroe High School (photo provided by RPD)