Town of Greece faces lawsuit from former police sergeant

(Photo: WHEC)
GREECE, N.Y. — The Town of Greece is facing another lawsuit, this time from a former Greece police sergeant.
Jared Rene filed the suit Tuesday, alleging misconduct by Town Supervisor Bill Reilich and then Deputy Town Supervisor Michelle Marini.
Rene claims he and other officers were driven out of the Greece Police Department for bringing attention to Reilich’s and Marini’s alleged unfavorable treatment of communities of color, as well as what Rene describes as their inadequate response to former Police Chief Drew Forsythe’s drunk driving crash.
Rene is asking for nearly $2.1 million in compensation.
In a statement, Reilich called the suit “the latest in a series of meritless claims filed on behalf of individuals by a lawyer seeking to extract millions of taxpayer dollars from Greece for baseless claims.”
View the lawsuit here: